Project Experience

  • The University of Washington - wolf, cougar, black bear, bobcat, coyote, lynx - 2017 - 3 months - WA
  • Cornell University - moose, black bear, marten, fisher - 2017 - 3 months
  • US Forest Service, Kings River Fisher Project - fisher, marten, cougar, bobcat - 2017 & 2018 - 3 months - CA
  • US Forest Service, Katie Moriarty - marten, fisher, cougar, Bobcat - 2018 - 3 months - OR
  • California Department of Fish & Wildlife - cougar - 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - 11 months - CA
  • Odawa - fisher, marten, cougar, wolf - 2019 - 1 month - MI
  • Yosemite Nature Conservancy - Sierra Nevada red fox, cougar - 2019 & 2020 - 4 month - CA
  • UC Davis - Sierra Nevada red fox - 2019, 2020, 2021 - 2.5 months - CA
  • National Council of Air and Stream Improvement, Katie Moriarty - Humboldt marten, fisher, cougar, bobcat - 2019 - 1 month - OR
  • Washington Tree Research Fruit Commission - Little Cherry Virus & Western-X disease - 2020 & 2021 - 6 months - WA
  • BLM & USGS wind facility mortality assessment - 2019 - 2 month - CA
  • Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife - pygmy rabbit - 2 weeks - WA
  • Washington State Wine Commission - grapevine leafroll - 2020 - 2 months - WA
  • Alaska Department of Fish & Game - bat hibernacula - 2021 - 2 months - AK
  • University of Minnesota - wolf, cougar, marten, fisher, fox, bobcat, coyote - 2021 - 2 weeks
  • Statoil - wolf, caribou, moose, deer - 2012 - 3 months - Canada
  • USFS Kings River Fisher Project - fisher, marten, cougar, bobcat - 2013 - 3 months - CA
  • John Muir Project, Chad Hanson - fisher - 2013 - 2 weeks - CA
  • Cornell University & DCNR - mink - 2013 & 2014 - 3 months - NY
  • USFS Kings River Fisher Project - fisher, marten, cougar, bobcat - 2014, 2016, 2017 - 6 weeks - CA
  • Invenergy wind facility mortality assessment - 2014, 2015 & 2016 - months - IL, NY
  • University of Washington - wolf, cougar, black bear, brown bear, bobcat, lynx, coyote, wolverine, fisher, marten - 2015 - 2 months - WA
  • Cornell University - moose, black bear, fisher, marten - 2016, 2017 - 6 months - NY
  • University of Connecticut - New England cottontail - 2016 - 2 weeks - CT
  • University of Washington - pangolin - 2017 - 4 months - Nepal & Vietnam
  • B.C. Ministry of Environment - western toad - Canada - 2 weeks - 2017
  • BLM & USGS wind facility mortality assessment - 2019 - 1 month - CA
  • CDFW - cougar - 2019 - 1 month - CA
  • NCASI - Humboldt marten - 2019 - 1 month - OR
  • Yosemite National Park - Sierra Nevada red fox - 2019 & 2020 - 5 mos - CA
  • WDFW - pygmy rabbit - 2020 - 1 months - WA
  • Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission - Western X & LCV2 - 2020, 2021 - 2 months - WA
  • Bat Conservation International wind facility mortality assessment - 2021 - 4 months - IA